Thursday, September 9, 2010

Well This Is Lame...

Due to annoying circumstances I will not be able to purchase my Kyocera Zio until next paycheck, which isn't for another two weeks.

I promise to do my review of the Zio once I am able to purchase it. I hate having low income, being in debt is depressing!

Either way, in a week my boyfriend will be going to Texas to visit his father while his dad is home from Afghanistan. They both have their birthday in September. And while he's over there he's going to celebrate with his dad while I'm stuck back in AZ working the whole damn time. :I

Meanwhile, customers continue to get increasingly stupid and I am getting more and more fed up with my  call center job. I hope I can get over it soon! Being depressed about money is one thing, but being depressed about money and being depressed about your job where you make money is so much worse!

I'll think of something more cheery to post about next time, I promise :)

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